Interrupt Look-up Table

The ICODEx and FILHITx bits in the CxVEC register enable the application to use a Look-up Table to implement the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).

The following bit fields allow the application to make full use of the three interrupt pins:
  • TXCODE[6:0] bits: Reflect which object has a transmit interrupt pending
  • RXCODE[6:0] bits: Reflect which object has a receive interrupt pending

A separate Look-up Table can be implemented for transmit and receive interrupts. If more than one object has a pending interrupt, the interrupt or FIFO with the highest number will show up in RXCODEx, TXCODEx and ICODEx. Once the interrupt with the highest priority is cleared, the next highest priority interrupt will show up in C1VECH/L. RXCODEx, TXCODEx and ICODEx are implemented with combinatorial logic using the interrupt flags as inputs.