Interrupt Status Register

The CAN Protocol module contains three FIFOs and a TXQ. It would be complex to use the ICODEx bits since the interrupt priorities are determined by the module. Therefore, the following measures are taken to ensure efficient servicing of interrupts:
  • CxINT contains all main interrupt sources. The application can identify the categories of interrupts that are pending and decide the order in which interrupts are to be serviced (e.g., RXIF).
  • All categories of interrupts for all FIFOs are combined into individual registers: CxRXIF, CxTXIF, CxRXOVIF and CxTXATIF. The application can identify the RFIFx bits that are pending by reading only one register. The same is true for TFIFx, RXOVIF and TXATIF.
  • In the register map, the Interrupt Status registers are arranged in a single block: CxVEC, followed by CxINT, CxRXIF, CxTXIF, CxRXOVIF and CxTXATIF. This arrangement allows all status registers to be read with a single read access.