17.14.4 Timer/Counter 0 Low and High byte

The TCNT0L and TCNT0H register pair represents the 16-bit value, TCNT0.The low byte [7:0] (suffix L) is accessible at the original offset. The high byte [15:8] (suffix H) can be accessed at offset + 0x01. For more details on reading and writing 16-bit registers, refer to Accessing 16-bit Registers.

Name: TCNT0L and TCNT0H
Offset: 0x28
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:0 – TCNT0[15:0] Timer/Counter 0

TCNT0H and TCNT0L are combined into TCNT0.

Modifying the counter (TCNT0) while the counter is running introduces a risk of missing a compare match between TCNT0 and one of the OCR0x Registers.

Writing to the TCNT0 Register blocks (removes) the compare match on the following timer clock for all compare units.