20.8 Operation Examples
Unless otherwise specified, the following notes apply to the following timing diagrams:
- Both the prescaler and postscaler are set to 1:1 (both the CKPS and OUTPS bits in the T2CON register are cleared).
- The diagrams illustrate any clock except FOSC/4 and show clock-sync delays of at least two full cycles for both ON and Timer2_ers. When using FOSC/4, the clock-sync delay is at least one instruction period for Timer2_ers; ON applies in the next instruction period.
- ON and Timer2_ers are somewhat generalized, and clock-sync delays may produce results that are slightly different than illustrated.
- The PWM Duty Cycle and PWM output are illustrated assuming that the timer is used for the PWM function of the CCP module as described in the “PWM Overview” section. The signals are not a part of the Timer2 module.