43.7.9 ADC Channel Configuration Registers 4

Table 43-14. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Offset: 0x30
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protected, Enable-Protected

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 0:3, 4:7, 8:11, 12:15, 16:19, 20:23, 24:27, 28:31 – TRGSRCk Conversion Trigger Source for channel k

Bits 31-28: TRGSRC7 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN7

Bits 27-24: TRGSRC6 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN6

Bits 23-20: TRGSRC5 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN5

Bits 19-16: TRGSRC4 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN4

Bits 15-12: TRGSRC3 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN3

Bits 11-8: TRGSRC2 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN2

Bits 7-4: TRGSRC1 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN1

Bits 3-0: TRGSRC0 ADC Sample/Conversion Trigger Source for analog input channel AIN0

TRGSRCn Description (Trigger events start ADC sample/conversion sequence)
0000 No Trigger

ADC Global Software Trigger.

(Requires CTRLB.GSWTRG =1, CTRLB.GSWTRG is self-clearing after trigger event.)

0010 ADC Global Level Software Trigger (Requires CTRLB.LSWTRG=1)
0011 ADC SCANTRG - Scan Trigger. (Requires CHNCFG20.CSSy be configured accordingly)
0100 ADC STRIG Synchronous Trigger
0101-1111 ADC Trigger Event(s) from Event System (EVSYS)

If CHNCFG4.TRGSRCy = 0b101 thru 0b1111:

Event System (EVSYS) ADC
User Selected

ADC Trigger Event Source

= 0x2

Asynchronous path

78 0b0101
79 0b0110
80 0b0111
81 0b1000
82 0b1001
83 0b1010
84 0b1011
85 0b1100
86 0b1101
87 0b1110
88 0b1111
  1. SCANTRG in turn requires programming of CORCTRL0.STRGSRC to select its trigger source. Also, the appropriate CHNCFG20.CSSy bit must be set to include channel “y” in the scan started by the STRIGn trigger.
  2. Requires EVCTRL0.STARTEI = 1 to enable any trigger event(s) from Event System (EVSYS).
  3. If using the Event System (EVSYS) trigger for ADC, Asynchronous CHANNELn.PATH = 0x2 must be used to guarantee deterministic ADC sample/convert trigger timing.
  4. These bits are Enabled Protected (Writes are ignored when CTRLA.ENABLE = 1 . Returns a bus error. )
  5. If CTRLB.SWCNVEN=1, all of these register bits are ignored.