Struct usart_config

Configuration options for USART.

Table 16-3. Members

USART baudrate

enum usart_character_sizecharacter_size

USART character size


USART Clock Polarity. If true, data changes on falling XCK edge and is sampled at rising edge. If false, data changes on rising XCK edge and is sampled at falling edge.


Enable collision dection

enum usart_dataorderdata_order

USART bit order (MSB or LSB first)


Enable IrDA encoding format


External clock frequency in synchronous mode. This must be set if use_external_clock is true.

enum gclk_generatorgenerator_source

GCLK generator source


Controls when the buffer overflow status bit is asserted when a buffer overflow occurs

struct iso7816_config_tiso7816_config

Enable ISO7816 for smart card interfacing

enum lin_master_break_lengthlin_break_length

LIN Master Break Length

enum lin_master_header_delaylin_header_delay

LIN master header delay

enum lin_node_typelin_node

LIN node type


Enable LIN Slave Support

enum usart_signal_mux_settingsmux_setting

USART pin out

enum usart_parityparity

USART parity


PAD0 pinmux.

If current USARTx has several alternative multiplexing I/O pins for PAD0, then only one peripheral multiplexing I/O can be enabled for current USARTx PAD0 function. Make sure that no other alternative multiplexing I/O is associated with the same USARTx PAD0.


PAD1 pinmux.

If current USARTx has several alternative multiplexing I/O pins for PAD1, then only one peripheral multiplexing I/O can be enabled for current USARTx PAD1 function. Make sure that no other alternative multiplexing I/O is associated with the same USARTx PAD1.


PAD2 pinmux.

If current USARTx has several alternative multiplexing I/O pins for PAD2, then only one peripheral multiplexing I/O can be enabled for current USARTx PAD2 function. Make sure that no other alternative multiplexing I/O is associated with the same USARTx PAD2.


PAD3 pinmux.

If current USARTx has several alternative multiplexing I/O pins for PAD3, then only one peripheral multiplexing I/O can be enabled for current USARTx PAD3 function. Make sure that no other alternative multiplexing I/O is associated with the same USARTx PAD3.


The minimum pulse length required for a pulse to be accepted by the IrDA receiver


Enable receiver

enum rs485_guard_timers485_guard_time

RS485 guard time


If true the USART will be kept running in Standby sleep mode

enum usart_sample_adjustmentsample_adjustment

USART sample adjustment

enum usart_sample_ratesample_rate

USART sample rate


Enable start of frame dection

enum usart_stopbitsstopbits

Number of stop bits

enum usart_transfer_modetransfer_mode

USART in asynchronous or synchronous mode


Enable transmitter


States whether to use the external clock applied to the XCK pin. In synchronous mode the shift register will act directly on the XCK clock. In asynchronous mode the XCK will be the input to the USART hardware module.