1.25.7 LCD Controller (LCDC)

The LCD Controller (LCDC) consists of logic for transferring LCD image data from an external display buffer to an LCD module. The LCD has one display input buffer per overlay that fetches pixels through the dual AHB master interface and a lookup table to allow palletized display configurations.

The LCD controller is programmable on a per overlay basis, and supports different LCD resolutions, window sizes, image formats and pixel depths. The LCD is connected to the ARM Advanced High Performance Bus (AHB) as a master for reading pixel data. It also integrates an APB interface to configure its registers.

Using The Library

Refer LCDC API headers for the usage of the LCDC peripheral library.

Library Interface

LCD Controller peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
LCDCx_AddToQueueEnable Indicates that a valid descriptor has been written to memory
LCDCx_ClockReset Resets the pixel clock module
LCDCx_DISPSignalReset Resets the DISP signal
LCDCx_GetDisplaySignalStatusActivated Gets the status of the DISP signal
LCDCx_GetPixelClockStatusRunning Gets the status of the pixel clock
LCDCx_GetPWMSignalStatusActivated Gets the status of the PWM signal
LCDCx_GetSynchronizationStatusInProgress Gets the status of clock domain synchronization
LCDCx_GetTimingEngineStatusRunning Gets the status of the timing engine
LCDCx_IRQ_CallbackRegister Registers a callback function for the LCDC IRQ handler
LCDCx_IRQ_Disable Disables the specified interrupt
LCDCx_IRQ_Enable Enables the specified interrupt
LCDCx_IRQ_Status Reads the value of the interrupt status register
LCDCx_LAYER_IRQ_Disable Disable the interrupt from the specified layer
LCDCx_LAYER_IRQ_Enable Enables the interrupt from the specified layer
LCDCx_LAYER_IRQ_Status Reads the status of the interrupt from the specified layer
LCDCx_PWMReset Resets the PWM module
LCDCx_SetBlenderDMALayerEnable Enables/disables the blender DMA channel
LCDCx_SetBlenderGlobalAlpha Sets the global alpha blending coefficient
LCDCx_SetBlenderGlobalAlphaEnable Enables/disables global alpha blending
LCDCx_SetBlenderIteratedColorEnable Enables use of iterated pixel value for final adder stage operand
LCDCx_SetBlenderLocalAlphaEnable Enables/disables local alpha blending
LCDCx_SetBlenderOverlayLayerEnable Enables/disables the overlay blender
LCDCx_SetBlenderUseIteratedColor Enables use of iterated pixel value for pixel difference
LCDCx_SetChannelEnable Enables/disables the DMA channel
LCDCx_SetClockDivider Sets the clock divider for the pixel clock
LCDCx_SetClockSourceSelection Sets the LCDC clock source
LCDCx_SetDisplayGuardTime Number of frames inserted before and after DISP assertion
LCDCx_SetDisplaySignalPolarity Sets the polarity of the DISP signal
LCDCx_SetDisplaySignalSynchronization Sets the sync of the DISP signal with the HYSNC pulse
LCDCx_SetDISPSignalEnable Enables/disables the DISP signal
LCDCx_SetDitheringEnable Enables/disables the LCDC dithering logical unit
LCDCx_SetDMAAddressRegister Sets the Frame Buffer base address
LCDCx_SetDMADescriptorNextAddress Sets next DMA descriptor address
LCDCx_SetDMAHeadPointer Sets the specified layer's Head Pointer to the DMA descriptor address
LCDCx_SetHorizontalBackPorchWidth Sets HSYNC front porch width, give in number of pixel clocks
LCDCx_SetHorizontalFrontPorchWidth Sets HSYNC front porch width, give in number of pixel clocks
LCDCx_SetHSYNCPolarity Sets the polarity of the HSYNC pulse
LCDCx_SetHSYNCPulseWidth Sets HSYNC pulse length, given in pixel clock cycles
LCDCx_SetLayerClockGatingDisable Disables/Enables the clock gating on the LCDC layers
LCDCx_SetLCDDisableInterruptEnable Enables/disables the LCD disable interrupt
LCDCx_SetNumActiveRows Sets the number of active lines (height) in the frame
LCDCx_SetNumPixelsPerLine Sets the number of pixels in a line (width) in the frame
LCDCx_SetOutputMode Sets the output mode of the LCDC
LCDCx_SetPixelClockEnable Enables/disables the pixel clock
LCDCx_SetPixelClockPolarity Sets the pixel clock signal polarity
LCDCx_SetPostPocessingEnable Enables/disables post processing
LCDCx_SetPWMClockSourceSelection Sets the LCDC PWM clock source
LCDCx_SetPWMCompareValue Sets the PWM compare value
LCDCx_SetPWMEnable Enables/disables the PWM signal
LCDCx_SetPWMPrescaler Sets the configuration of the counter prescaler module
LCDCx_SetPWMSignalPolarity Sets the polarity of the PWM signal
LCDCx_SetRGBModeInput Sets the input color mode for the specified layer
LCDCx_SetSOFInterruptEnable Enables/disables the start of frame interrupt
LCDCx_SetSYNCEnable Enables/disables the VSYNC and HSYNC signals
LCDCx_SetTransferDescriptorFetchEnable Enables/disables Transfer Descriptor Fetch
LCDCx_SetUseDMAPathEnable Enables/disables the DMA path for the specified layer
LCDCx_SetVerticalBackPorchWidth Sets VSYNC back porch width, give in number of lines
LCDCx_SetVerticalFrontPorchWidth Sets VSYNC front porch width, give in number of lines
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPolarity Sets the polarity of the VSYNC pulse
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPulseEnd Sets the HSYNC pulse edge where the VSYNC pulse second active edge is synchronized
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPulseHoldConfig Sets the VSYNC pulse sync with HSYNC pulse edge
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPulseSetupConfig Sets the VSYNC pulse sync with HSYNC pulse edge
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPulseStart Sets the HSYNC pulse edge where the VSYNC pulse first active edge is synchronized
LCDCx_SetVSYNCPulseWidth Sets VSYNC pulse length, given in pixel clock cycles
LCDCx_SetWindowPosition Sets the X, Y position of the specified layer
LCDCx_SetWindowSize Sets the size of the specified layer
LCDCx_SYNCReset Resets the timing engine
LCDCx_UpdateAttribute Updates the specified layer's window attributes
LCDCx_UpdateOverlayAttributesEnable Updates the layer attributes
LCDCx_WaitForClockRunning Waits for pixel clock to start running. Blocks until PCLK is running
LCDCx_WaitForDISPSignal Waits for DISP signal to be activated. Blocks until Timing engine is activated
LCDCx_WaitForSynchronization Waits for timing engine to start running. Blocks until Timing engine is running
LCDCx_WaitForSyncInProgress Waits for synchronization to complete. Unblocks when complete

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
LCDCx_CLOCK_SOURCE Enum Defines the clock sources for the LCDC peripheral
LCDCx_INPUT_COLOR_MODE Enum Defines the RGB color mode input types
LCDCx_INTERRUPT Enum Defines the interrupts generated by the controller
LCDCx_IRQ_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the LCDC callback function
LCDCx_IRQ_CALLBACK_OBJECT Struct Struct for LCDC IRQ handler
LCDCx_LAYER_ID Enum Defines the types for the LCDC hardware layers and overlays
LCDCx_LAYER_INTERRUPT Enum Defines the interrupts generated by the layers
LCDCx_OUTPUT_COLOR_MODE Enum Defines the controller output mode types
LCDCx_PWM_CLOCK_SOURCE Enum Defines the clock sources for the LCDC PWM
LCDCx_SIGNAL_POLARITY Enum Defines the polarity of the LCDC control signals
LCDCx_VSYNC_SYNC_EDGE Enum Defines the HSYNC edge where VSYNC is synchronized