13.2.3 SAM L11 Memory Mapping Configuration Summary

The table below summarizes the mapping of the SAM L11 memory regions.

Table 13-2. SAM L11 Memory Regions Mapping
Memory region Base address Size
Flash (BOOT region) 0x00000000 BOOTPROT * 256Bytes
Secure Flash (BOOT region) 0x00000000 BS*256Bytes - BNSC*32Bytes
Non-Secure Callable Flash (BOOT region) Contiguous to Secure Flash (BOOT region) BNSC * 32Bytes
Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) (1) BS * 256Bytes Flash (BOOT region) remaining size = (BOOTPROT * 256Bytes - BS*256Bytes)
Flash (APPLICATION region) BOOTPROT * 256Bytes Flash size - BOOTPROT * 256Bytes (Flash BOOT region)
Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) BOOTPROT * 256Bytes AS*256Bytes-ANSC*32Bytes
Non-Secure Callable Flash (APPLICATION region) Contiguous to Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) ANSC * 32Bytes
Non-Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) (BOOTPROT+AS) * 256Bytes Flash (APPLICATION region) remaining size = (Flash size - BOOTPROT*256Bytes - AS*256Bytes)
Secure Data Flash 0x00400000 DS * 256Bytes
Non-Secure Data Flash Contiguous to Secure Data Flash 2KB - Secure Data Flash size
Secure SRAM 0x20000000 RS * 128Bytes
Non-Secure SRAM Contiguous to Secure SRAM SRAM size - Secure SRAM size
  1. Secure Flash (BOOT region) size cannot be null if a Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) size is defined.

These are the default memories configurations from fresh from factory or after a ChipErase_ALL command:

Figure 13-5. SAM L11 Default Memories Mapping - 64KB Flash Case
Figure 13-6. SAM L11 Default Memories Mapping - 16/32KB Flash Case
Here is a typical configuration for a device with 64KB of Flash, 2KB of Data Flash and 16KB of SRAM:
  • BOOT region:
    • Flash (BOOT region) size = 8KB => BOOTPROT = 8192 / 256 = 0x20
    • Secure Flash (BOOT region) + Non-Secure Callable Flash (BOOT region) size = 1KB => BS = 1024 / 256 = 0x4
    • Non-Secure Callable Flash (BOOT region) size = 32Bytes => BNSC = 32 / 32 = 0x1
    • Non-Secure Flash (BOOT region) size = 8KB - 1KB = 7KB
  • APPLICATION region:
    • Flash (APPLICATION region) size = 64 KB - 8KB = 56KB
    • Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) + Non-Secure Callable Flash (APPLICATION region) size = 16KB => AS = 16 * 1024 / 256 = 0x40
    • Non-Secure Callable Flash (APPLICATION region) size = 32Bytes => ANSC = 32 / 32 = 0x1
    • Non-Secure Flash (APPLICATION region) size = 56KB - 16KB = 40KB
  • Data Flash region:
    • Secure Data Flash size = 2KB => DS = 2048 / 256 = 0x8
    • Non-Secure Data Flash size = 2 KB - 2 KB = 0KB
  • SRAM region:
    • Secure SRAM size = 4KB => RS = 4096 / 128 = 0x20
    • Non-Secure SRAM size = 16KB - 4KB = 12KB