21.1.5 Status Information

The SMT provides input status information for the user without requiring the need to deal with the polarity of the incoming signals.

Go Status: Timer run status is determined by the TS bit of the SMTxSTAT register, and will be delayed in time by synchronizer delays in non-Counter modes.

Signal Status:Signal status is determined by the AS bit of the SMTxSTAT register. This bit is used in all modes except Window Measure, Time of Flight and Capture modes, and is only valid when TS = 1, and will be delayed in time by synchronizer delays in non-Counter modes.

Window Status: Window status is determined by the WS bit of the SMTxSTAT register. This bit is only used in Windowed Measure, Gated Counter and Gated Window Measure modes, and is only valid when TS = 1, and will be delayed in time by synchronizer delays in non-Counter modes.