Supported CCCs

When the Target receives a CCC from the Controller, the CCC code is stored in the I3CxCCC register. In addition, SCCCIF and UCCCIF interrupt flags are also set depending on whether the received CCC is supported or unsupported. The interrupt flags are set for all Broadcast CCCs and only for those Direct CCCs for which an address match occurs.
Important: The SADRIF and DADRIF address match flags are not set for CCC Transactions.
Tip: The user can use the CCC code stored in the I3CxCCC register in conjunction with UCCCIF interrupt flag to provide custom firmware support for unsupported CCCs.
Table 37-11. List of Supported Common Command Codes (CCC)
Common Command Code (CCC) Type Value Brief Description
ENEC Enable Events Command Broadcast Write 0x00 Enable Target events such as Hot-Join and In-Band Interrupt (I3CxEC)
Direct Write 0x80
DISEC Disable Events Command Broadcast Write 0x01 Disable Target events such as Hot-Join and In-Band Interrupt (I3CxEC)
Direct Write 0x81
ENTDAA Enter Dynamic Address Assignment Broadcast Write 0x07 Enter Controller initiation of Dynamic Address Assignment Procedure
RSTDAA Reset Dynamic Address Assignment Broadcast Write 0x06 Discard current Dynamic Address and wait for new assignment
Direct Write(1) 0x86
SETNEWDA Set New Dynamic Address Direct Write 0x88 Controller assigns new Dynamic Address to a Target
GETPID Get Provisional ID Direct Read 0x8D Controller queries Target’s Provisional ID (I3CxPID0 through I3CxPID5)
GETDCR Get Device Characteristics Register Direct Read 0x8F Controller queries Target’s Device Characteristics Register (I3CxDCR)
GETBCR Get Bus Characteristics Register Direct Read 0x8E Controller queries Target’s Bus Characteristics Register (I3CxBCR)
GETSTATUS Get Device Status Direct Read 0x90 Controller queries Target’s operating status (I3CxDSTAT0 and I3CxDSTAT1)
RSTACT Target Reset Action Broadcast Write 0x2A Controller configures and/or queries Target Reset action and timing (I3CxRSTACT)
Direct Write and Read 0x9A
SETMRL Set Maximum Read Length Broadcast Write 0x0A Controller sets maximum read length (I3CxMRL) and IBI payload size (I3CxIBIPSZ)
Direct Write 0x8A
SETMWL Set Maximum Write Length Broadcast Write 0x09 Controller sets maximum write length (I3CxMWL)
Direct Write 0x89
GETMRL Get Maximum Read Length Direct Read 0x8C Controller queries Target’s maximum possible read length (I3CxMRL) and IBI payload size (I3CxIBIPSZ)
GETMWL Get Maximum Write Length Direct Read 0x8B Controller queries Target’s maximum possible write length (I3CxMWL)
GETMXDS Get Maximum Data Speed Direct Read 0x94 Controller queries Target’s maximum read and write data speeds (I3CxMRS, I3CxMWS) and maximum read turnaround time (I3CxMRT)
SETBUSCON Set Bus Context Broadcast Write 0x0C Controller specifies a higher-level protocol and/or I3C specification version (I3CxBUSCXT)
  1. Direct RSTDAA CCC is not supported by MIPI I3C® Specification v1.1 onwards. Controllers adhering to MIPI I3C® Specification v1.0 are not recommended to use Direct RSTDAA CCC even though this Target module supports it.