14.13.3 PIR1

Peripheral Interrupt Request (Flag) Register 1
  1. The CSWIF interrupt will not wake the system from Sleep. The system will sleep until another interrupt causes the wake-up.
Name: PIR1
Offset: 0xECB

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bit 7 – OSCFIF Oscillator Fail Interrupt Flag bit

1 Device oscillator failed, clock input has changed to HFINTOSC (must be cleared by software)
0 Device clock operating

Bit 6 – CSWIF  Clock-Switch Interrupt Flag bit(1)

1 New oscillator is ready for switch (must be cleared by software)
0 New oscillator is not ready for switch or has not been started

Bit 1 – ADTIF ADC Threshold Interrupt Flag bit

1 ADC Threshold interrupt has occurred (must be cleared by software)
0 ADC Threshold event is not complete or has not been started

Bit 0 – ADIF ADC Interrupt Flag bit

1 An A/D conversion completed (must be cleared by software)
0 The A/D conversion is not complete or has not been started
The CSWIF interrupt will not wake the system from Sleep. The system will sleep until another interrupt causes the wake-up.