Block Transfer Size

The Block Transfer Size defines the total number of bytes to transfer from source to destination before setting the Block Transfer Complete interrupt status flag, CHINTFk.BC and clearing the CHCTRLAk.ENABLE bit. See Block Transfer Enable for details on CHCTRLAk.ENABLE. The CHXSIZk.BLKSZ register field holds the Block Transfer Size. The size byte alignment (byte, halfword, or word) must match the most restrictive address sequence mode select between Read and Write Address Sequence Mode settings. The following table shows the size restriction.

Table 25-2. Block and Cell Size Restrictions
RAS Transfer ModeWAS Transfer ModeSize Alignment Restriction
Fixed or Increment / ByteFixed or Increment / ByteNone
Fixed or Increment / ByteFixed or Increment / HalfwordHalfword
Fixed or Increment / ByteFixed / Word Word
Fixed or Increment / ByteIncrement /Auto None
Fixed or Increment / HalfwordFixed or Increment / ByteHalfword
Fixed or Increment / HalfwordFixed or Increment / HalfwordHalfword
Fixed or Increment / HalfwordFixed / Word Word
Fixed or Increment / HalfwordIncrement /Auto Halfword
Fixed / Word Fixed or Increment / ByteWord
Fixed / Word Fixed or Increment / HalfwordWord
Fixed / WordFixed / WordWord
Fixed / WordIncrement /AutoWord
Increment / Auto Fixed or Increment / ByteNone
Increment / Auto Fixed or Increment / HalfwordHalfword
Increment / AutoFixed / WordWord
Increment / AutoIncrement /AutoNone