5.7 Configure Hardware

The following sections provide information about configuring the hardware for your designs.

5.7.1 Programming Connectivity and Interface

The Programming Connectivity and Interface window shows the physical chain from TDI to TDO or SPI Slave configuration. To open this window, expand Configure Hardware in the Libero SoC Design Flow window, and then double-click Programming Connectivity and Interface.

The Programming Connectivity and Interface view provides options for performing the following actions on non-target devices.

Note: If any FlashPro6 programmers are out of date, a message prompts you to update them. Do not disconnect your programmers during the update.
Figure 5-119. Programming Connectivity and Interface Window
Table 5-64. Programming Connectivity and Interface Options and Icons
Option Icon Description
Select Programming Interface
Select JTAG or SPI Slave mode. SPI Slave mode is supported by FlashPro6 for PolarFire devices. JTAG is the default interface.
Construct Chain Automatically
Constructs the physical chain automatically.
Add Microsemi Device
Adds a Microchip device to the chain.
Add Non-Microsemi Device
Adds a non-Microchip device to the chain.
Add Microsemi Devices From Files
Adds a Microchip device from a programming file.
Delete Selected Devices
Deletes selected devices in the grid.
Scan and Check Chain
Scans the physical chain connected to the programmer and check if it matches the chain constructed in the grid.
Zoom In
Zooms into the grid.
Zoom Out
Zooms out of the grid. Hover Information

If you hover your pointer over a device in the grid, the device tooltip shows the following device information.

Table 5-65. Device Tooltips
Tooltip Description
Name User-specified device name. If you have two or more identical devices in your chain, use this field to give them unique names.
Device Name of the device.
File Path to the programming file.
Programming action When a programming file is loaded, select a programming action for any device that is not a Libero design device.
IR Length of the device instruction.
TCK Maximum clock frequency, in Hz, to program a specific device; Libero uses this information to ensure that the programmer operates at a frequency lower than the slowest device in the chain. Device Chain Details

The device within the chain contains the following details.

Table 5-66. Device Chain Details
Detail Description
Libero design device Red circle within Microsemi logo. Libero design device cannot be disabled.
Left/right arrow Moves the device left or right according to the physical chain.
Enable device Enables the device for programming.
  • Green: device is enabled.
  • Gray: device is disabled.
Name Name of your specified device.
File Path to the programming file.
Set as Libero Design Device Sets the Libero design device when there are multiple identical Libero design devices in the chain. Right-Click Options

The following figure shows the options that appear when you right-click on your design.

Figure 5-120. Right-Click Properties

Right-clicking a device displays the following options.

Table 5-67. Right-Click Options
Option Description
Set as Libero Design Device Sets the Libero design device when there are multiple identical Libero design devices in the chain.
Configure Device Reconfigures the device. For a Libero SoC target device, the dialog box appears, but only the device name can be edited.
Enable Device for Programming Enables the device for programming.
  • Green: enabled devices.
  • Gray: disabled devices.
Load Programming File Loads the programming file for the selected device. This option is not supported for Libero SoC target design devices.
Set Serial Data Displays the Serial Settings dialog box, where you can set your serialization data.
Select and Configure Action/Procedure This option applies to devices other than the Libero SoC target design device. Choices are:
  • Select an action to program: Selected action is programmed in the Libero environment and saved to an exported FlashPro Express job.
  • Configure actions and procedures:
    • Actions: List of programming actions for your device.
    • Procedures: Advanced option that allows you to customize the list of recommended and optional procedures for an action.
Move Device Left/Right Moves the device in the chain to left or right.

5.7.2 Programmer Settings

For the JTAG interface, you can set specific voltage and force TCK frequency values for your programmer. For the SPI Slave interface, you can set specific voltage and force SCK frequency values for your programmer. You perform these actions using the Programmer Settings dialog box.

To display the Programmer Settings dialog box, in the Libero SoC Design Flow window, expand Configure Hardware and double-click Configure Programmer


Right-click Configure Programmer and choose Programmer Settings.

Note: SPI Slave mode is supported by FlashPro6 for PolarFire devices.
Figure 5-121. Programmer Settings Dialog Box (FlashPro6)

The Programmer Settings dialog box has options for FlashPro6/5/4/3/3X. The following table lists the TCK frequency limitations for the selected programmer:

Table 5-68. TCK Frequency Limitations
Programmer Limitations
FlashPro6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 MHz
FlashPro5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30 MHz
FlashPro4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 MHz
FlashPro3/3X 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 MHz

For information about TCK frequency limits by target device, see the target device datasheet.

During execution, the frequency set by the FREQUENCY statement in the PDB/STAPL file overrides the TCK frequency setting in the Programmer Settings dialog box. To prevent this override, check Force TCK Frequency

The following list shows the SCK frequency limitations for the selected programmer:
  • 1.00 MHz
  • 2.00 MHz
  • 2.50 MHz
  • 3.33 MHz
  • 4.00 MHz
  • 5.00 MHz
  • 6.67 MHz
  • 8.00 MHz
  • 10.00 MHz
  • 13.33 MHz
  • 20.00 MHz FlashPro5/4/3/3X Programmer Settings

By default, Force TCK Frequency is not checked. This setting instructs the FlashPro5/4/3/3X to use the TCK frequency specified by the Frequency statement in the PDB/STAPL file(s). If you check Force TCK Frequency, select the appropriate MHz frequency.

For FlashPro4/3X settings, you can switch the TCK mode between Free Running Clock and Discrete Clocking. By default, TCK Mode is set to Free Running Clock. Use Discrete Clocking when there is a JTAG non-compliant device in a chain with Microchip devices.

After you make your selections, click OK.

Note: The Set Vpump check box is removed. For older projects prior to Libero SoC v12.5, if Set Vpump was checked, the warning "Set Vpump parameter is obsolete. VPUMP will not be sensed or driven for all devices." appears in the log window when the design opens for the first time in Libero SoC v12.5. TCK Setting (Force TCK Frequency)

If Force TCK Frequency is checked in Programmer Setting, the selected TCK value is set for the programmer and the Frequency statement in the PDB/STAPL file is ignored. Default TCK Frequency

If the IPD/STAPL file or Chain does not exist, the default TCK frequency is set to 4 MHz. If more than one Microchip flash device is targeted in the chain, the FlashPro Express software passes through all the files and searches for the freq keyword and the MAX_FREQ Note field. The FlashPro Express software uses the lowest value of all the TCK frequency settings and the MAX_FREQ Note field values.

5.7.3 Select Programmer

The Select Programmer dialog box allows you to select the programmer you want to use.

To display the Select Programmer dialog box, in the Libero SoC Design Flow window, expand Configure Hardware and double-click Select Programmer.


Right-click Select Programmer.

Use the drop-down list to select the programmer you want to use. If no programmers are connected, connect a programmer without closing the dialog box, and then click Refresh/Rescan Programmers to display the connected programmer in the drop-down list.
Figure 5-122. Select Programmer Dialog Box