4.6.11 Libero GUI is Distorted on Older Versions of Red Hat 5 through VNC

Symptom: The Libero GUI appears distorted when VNC is used with Linux Red Hat versions older than v5.3.

Cause: When using VNC and Linux Red Hat v5.2 or older, Libero GUI, fonts and background colors might appear slightly faded or fuzzy. This issue is not unique to Libero, but affects all Qt-based software including Synplify Pro. The problem is caused by the VNC server (Xvnc) not loading Xrender by default in older versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v5.

Important: There should be no issue when using Linux RHEL 5 (Tikanga) 5.3 to 5.75 (32-bit and 64-bit).

Resolution: When using RHEL v5.2 and older with VNC, Microchip has tested and recommends using Exceed 11 if possible. This version of Exceed is still on the support list at OpenText.


Upgrade to a newer version of VNC server (Xvnc) that enables Xrender by default. One version that has been tested is Tiger (an open source vncserver that is available from tigervnc.org/) VNC v1.2.0 instead of the default VNC server on RHEL 5.2.