4.6.23 Possible Errors Related to Linux SSSD
(Ask a Question)Wind/U Error (251): Function RegPingDaemon - A fatal registry I/O failure has occurred. A registry daemon may not be running. Restart your application and verify that a registry daemon is running.
Wind/U Error (251): Function RegOpenKeyExA - A fatal registry I/O failure has occurred. A registry daemon may not be running. Restart your application and verify that a registry daemon is running.
Wind/U Error (251): Function RegPingDaemon - A fatal registry I/O failure has occurred. A registry daemon may not be running. Restart your application and verify that a registry daemon is running.
Wind/U Error (251): Function RegOpenKeyExA - A fatal registry I/O failure has occurred. A registry daemon may not be running. Restart your application and verify that a registry daemon is running.
Cause: To access the password and identity cache, 32-bit applications require a 32-bit version of SSSD even on 64-bit systems.
Resolution: If a 32-bit version of SSSD is not available, but the system is configured to use the SSSD cache, 32-bit applications can fail to start.
Customers on RHEL/CentOS v6.8 or higher who use System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) for authentication should run the following command to install system package sssd-client.i686:
% sudo yum install sssd-client.i686
For more information, see: access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/deployment_guide/installing-sssd-tools