Library Interface

DRV_ETHPHY_CLIENTS_NUMBERSelects the maximum number of clients.
DRV_ETHPHY_INDEXEthernet PHY static index selection.
DRV_ETHPHY_INSTANCES_NUMBERSelects the maximum number of hardware instances that can be supported by the dynamic driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_PERIPHERAL_IDDefines an override of the peripheral ID.
DRV_ETHPHY_NEG_DONE_TMOValue of the PHY negotiation complete time out as per IEEE 802.3 spec.
DRV_ETHPHY_NEG_INIT_TMOValue of the PHY negotiation initiation time out as per IEEE 802.3 spec.
DRV_ETHPHY_RESET_CLR_TMOValue of the PHY Reset self clear time out as per IEEE 802.3 spec.
System Level Functions
DRV_ETHPHY_InitializeInitializes the Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_DeinitializeDeinitializes the specified instance of the Ethernet PHY driver module.
DRV_ETHPHY_ReinitializeReinitializes the driver and refreshes any associated hardware settings.
DRV_ETHPHY_StatusProvides the current status of the Ethernet PHY driver module.
DRV_ETHPHY_TasksMaintains the driver's state machine and implements its ISR.
DRV_ETHPHY_SetupInitializes Ethernet PHY configuration and set up procedure.
Client Level Functions
DRV_ETHPHY_OpenOpens the specified Ethernet PHY driver instance and returns a handle to it.
DRV_ETHPHY_CloseCloses an opened instance of the Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_ClientStatusGets the current client-specific status the Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_ResetImmediately resets the Ethernet PHY.
DRV_ETHPHY_ClientOperationAbortAborts a current client operation initiated by the Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_ClientOperationResultGets the result of a client operation initiated by the Ethernet PHY driver.
Vendor Functions
DRV_ETHPHY_VendorDataGetReturns the current value of the vendor data.
DRV_ETHPHY_VendorDataSetReturns the current value of the vendor data.
DRV_ETHPHY_VendorSMIReadResultGetReads the result of a previous vendor initiated SMI read transfer with DRV_ETHPHY_VendorSMIReadStart.
DRV_ETHPHY_VendorSMIReadStartStarts a vendor SMI read transfer. Data will be available with DRV_ETHPHY_VendorSMIReadResultGet.
DRV_ETHPHY_VendorSMIWriteStartStarts a vendor SMI write transfer.
Other Functions
DRV_ETHPHY_LinkStatusGetReturns the current link status.
DRV_ETHPHY_PhyAddressGetReturns the PHY address.
DRV_ETHPHY_HWConfigFlagsGetReturns the current Ethernet PHY hardware MII/RMII and ALTERNATE/DEFAULT configuration flags.
DRV_ETHPHY_RestartNegotiationRestarts auto-negotiation of the Ethernet PHY link.
DRV_ETHPHY_NegotiationIsCompleteReturns the results of a previously initiated Ethernet PHY negotiation.
DRV_ETHPHY_NegotiationResultGetReturns the result of a completed negotiation.
Data Types and Constants
DRV_ETHPHY_CLIENT_STATUSIdentifies the client-specific status of the Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_INITContains all the data necessary to initialize the Ethernet PHY device.
DRV_ETHPHY_INDEX_0Ethernet PHY driver index definitions.
DRV_ETHPHY_INDEX_COUNTNumber of valid Ethernet PHY driver indices.
DRV_ETHPHY_NEGOTIATION_RESULTContains all the data necessary to get the Ethernet PHY negotiation result
DRV_ETHPHY_SETUPContains all the data necessary to set up the Ethernet PHY device.
DRV_ETHPHY_VENDOR_MDIX_CONFIGUREPointer to function that configures the MDIX mode for the Ethernet PHY.
DRV_ETHPHY_VENDOR_MII_CONFIGUREPointer to function to configure the Ethernet PHY in one of the MII/RMII operation modes.
DRV_ETHPHY_VENDOR_SMI_CLOCK_GETPointer to a function to return the SMI/MIIM maximum clock speed in Hz of the Ethernet PHY.
DRV_ETHPHY_OBJECT_BASE_TYPEIdentifies the base interface of a Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_CONFIG_FLAGSDefines configuration options for the Ethernet PHY.
DRV_ETHPHY_LINK_STATUSDefines the possible status flags of PHY Ethernet link.
DRV_ETHPHY_OBJECTIdentifies the interface of a Ethernet PHY vendor driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_OBJECT_BASEIdentifies the base interface of a Ethernet PHY driver.
DRV_ETHPHY_VENDOR_WOL_CONFIGUREPointer to a function to configure the PHY WOL functionality
DRV_ETHPHY_RESET_FUNCTIONPointer to a function to perform an additional PHY reset
DRV_ETHPHY_RESULTDefines the possible results of Ethernet operations that can succeed or fail
DRV_ETHPHY_INTERFACE_INDEXDefines the index type for a PHY interface.
DRV_ETHPHY_INTERFACE_TYPEDefines the type of interface a PHY supports.