SNMP Communities Configuration

Configure the SNMPv3 community table on the SNMPv3 Community Configuration page, as shown in the following figure. The entry index key is a Community.

Figure 4-6. SNMP Communities

The SNMPv3 Community Configuration page has the following parameters:

  • Delete: Check to delete the entry. It is deleted during the next save.
  • Community Name: Indicates the security name to map the community to the SNMP Groups configuration. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
  • Community Secret: Indicates the community secret (access string) to permit access using SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c to the SNMP agent. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
  • Source IP: Indicates the SNMP access source address. A particular range of source addresses can be used to restrict source subnet when combined with source prefix.
  • Source Prefix: Indicates the SNMP access source address prefix.