13.1.2 Edit Menu

This section lists the menu items in the Edit menu.

For keyboard shortcuts of some of these menu items, see Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card.

Table 13-2. Edit Menu Options
Command Action
Undo Reverses (one at a time) a series of editor actions, except Save.
Redo Reverses (one at a time) a series of Undo commands.
Cut Deletes the current selection and places it on the clipboard.
Copy Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the insertion point.
Paste Formatted Pastes the formatted contents of the clipboard into the insertion point.
Paste from History Pastes from Copy history.
Delete Deletes the current selection.
Select All Selects everything in the current document or window.
Select Identifier Selects the word nearest the cursor.
Find Selection Finds instances of the current selection.
Find Next Finds next instance of found text.
Find Previous Finds previous instance of found text.
Find Finds a text string.
Replace Finds a string of text and replaces it with the string specified.
Find Usages Finds usages and subtypes of selected code.
Find in Projects Finds specified text, object names, object types within projects.
Replace in Projects Replaces text, object names, object types within projects.
Start Macro Recording Starts recording keystrokes.
Stop Macro Recording Stops recording keystrokes

To manage macros, select Tools > Options > Editor > Macros.