13.1.5 Source Menu

This section lists the menu items in the Source menu.

For keyboard shortcuts of some of these menu items, see Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card.

Table 13-5. Source Menu Options
Command Action
Format Formats the selected code, or the entire file if nothing is selected.
Remove Trailing Spaces Removes spaces at the end of the line.
Shift Left Moves the selected line, or lines one tab to the left.
Shift Right Moves the selected line, or lines one tab to the right.
Move Up Moves the selected line, or lines one line up.
Move Down Moves the selected line, or lines one line down.
Move Code Element Up Moves the selected code element up one line.
Move Code Element Down Moves the selected code element down one line.
Duplicate Up Copies the selected line or lines one line up.
Duplicate Down Copies the selected line or lines one line down.
Toggle Comment Toggles the commenting out of the current line or selected lines.
Complete Code Shows the code completion box.
Insert Code Pops up a context aware menu that you can use to generate common structures such as constructors, getters, and setters.
Fix Code Displays editor hints. 
The IDE informs you when a hint is available when the light bulb is displayed.
Show Method Parameters Selects the next parameter. 
You must have a parameter selected (highlighted) for this shortcut to work.
Show Documentation Shows documentation for item under the cursor.
Insert Next Matching Word Generates the next word used elsewhere in your code, as you type its beginning characters.
Insert Previous Matching Word Generates the previous word used elsewhere in your code, as you type its beginning characters.
Inspect Runs the specified inspection on the selected file, package, or project.
Scan for External Changes Scans file for changes made outside of MPLAB X IDE.