13.1.1 File Menu

This section lists the menu items in the File menu.

For keyboard shortcuts of some of these menu items, see Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card.

Table 13-1. File Menu Options
Command Action
New Project Creates a new project with the New Project wizard.
New File Creates a new file with the New File wizard.
Open Project Opens an existing project.
Open Recent Project Displays a list of all recently-opened projects for selection.

This list can be cleared by deleting the file /config/Preferences/org/netbeans/modules/projectui.properties under the User directory (where the path may be found under Help > About).

Import Imports one of the following:
  • Hex/ELF... (Prebuilt) File – built with another tool.
  • MPLAB IDE v8 Project – launch Import Legacy Project wizard.
  • START MPLAB Project – launch Import START Project wizard.
  • Atmel Studio Project – launch Import Studio Project wizard.
  • Other Embedded – import from another embedded platform.
Close Project Closes the current project.
Close Other Projects Closes all projects except for the main project.
Close All Projects Closes all open projects.
Open File Opens an existing file.
Open Recent File Displays a list of all recently-opened files for selection.
Project Group Associates the current project with a group.
Project Properties Opens the Project Properties window.
Save Saves the current file.
Save As Saves the current file under a new path and/or name.
Save All Saves all open files. 
If the Compile on Save feature is selected, this will also compile/build project files.
Page Setup Sets up the page for printing.
Print Shows print preview of current file and allows printing.
Print to HTML Prints the current file to a new file in HTML format.
Exit Quits MPLAB X IDE.