13.1.7 Production Menu

This section lists the menu items in the Production menu (previously Run menu).

Note: The Run action has been removed from this menu, but it still available as an icon on the toolbar:

For keyboard shortcuts of some of these menu items, see Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card.

Options displayed depend on device and tool.

Table 13-7. Production Menu Options
Command Action
Build1 Builds all the files in a project.
Clean and Build1 Removes (cleans) previously generated project files and then rebuilds the files in a project.
Batch Build1 Builds multiple configurations of a project 
(only embedded available).
Make and Program Device1 Perform a Make and program the device.
Program Device for Debugging1 Program the device with a debug build.
Program Device for Production1 Program the device with a production build.
Erase Device Memory1 Erase all device memory.
Programmer To Go1 Program the device via PTG using a PICkit tool.
Set Project Configuration Selects project configuration – Default.
Set Main Project Sets the main project by selecting from a list of open projects.
Set Configuration Bits Opens the Configuration Bits window.
Check File Checks a file against a standard (XML related).
Validate File Validates a file against a standard (XML related).
Repeat Build/Run Runs again after halt.
Stop Build/Run Ends run.
  1. If project selected, command followed by “Project Project Name”. If project set as main, command followed by “Main Project”.