5.21.4 Refresh Selected Memory Window

For Memory windows showing program, EEPROM, user ID, or configuration bits memory, you can refresh the view by doing the following:

  1. If you are debugging, end your debug session unless:
    1. Your device and tool support Debug Reads (see below).
    2. Your device is a SAM MCU and your debug tool supports reading on pause (see below).
  2. Click on the icon named Read Device Memory, either on the window (see image below) or the toolbar (

Debug Reads

For most devices, you must halt your program (Finish Debugger Session) before you can read device memory. For some devices, you can read while in debug mode (Debug Read). You will know that this is available as the Read Device Memory icon will not be grayed out when you are debugging.

Note: To find out what tools and devices support Debug Read, select Help > Release Notes and then Debug Features Support > Hardware Tool Debug Features by Device.

Debug Reads are done at target oscillator speeds so if the target is running very slow, a read may take a long time. You can force a fast ICSP read by finishing the debug session and then doing a read since ICSP reads will always be done when not in a debug session.

Read on Debug Pause

For a SAM project device and one of the following debug tools:

  • Xplained or Curiosity boards (with EDBG/nEDBG/mEDGB)
  • Atmel-ICE
  • PowerDebugger/
  • J-32

A Pause to debug execution will allow a read of device memory, using the Read Device Memory button on the memory window or debug toolbar.