5.21.1 View Device Memory

To view device memory:

  1. Click a window in a pane to make the pane active. The memory window will open in this pane.
  2. Select a memory view from Window > Target Memory Views. The available choices are shown in the following tables. Not all memory types are available for all devices.
    Table 5-13. Memory Views – 8- and 16-Bit Devices
    Type Description
    Program Memory all program memory (ROM) on the device
    File Registers all file register (RAM) memory on the device
    SFRs all Special Function Registers (SFRs)
    Peripherals all SFRs by Peripheral
    Configuration Bits all Configuration registers
    EE Data Memory all EE Data memory on the device
    User OTP Memory User OTP memory
    User ID Memory User ID memory
    Table 5-14. Memory Views – 32-Bit Devices
    Type Description
    Execution Memory all Flash memory on the device
    Data Memory all RAM memory on the device
    Peripherals all Special Function Registers (SFRs) related to peripherals
    Configuration Bits all Configuration registers
    CPU Memory all CPU memory
    User ID Memory User ID memory
  3. When a Memory window is open, you may change your view by selecting a different memory in the Memory drop-down box. Or, you can change the format of the current memory display in the Format drop-down box. The format choices depend on the type of memory chosen and the device.
    Figure 5-40. Memory and Memory Format Selection
  4. After Debug and then Pause, the window will populate with the memory chosen.
  5. Close the window by clicking the “x” on that window’s tab.
    Figure 5-41. Memory Window Content