5.14.1 How Debug Works

Ensure you select your project or set it to be the main project (right click on the project and select Set as Main Project) before selecting one of the debug functions shown in the table below.

Debug progress is visible in the Output window.

Table 5-7. Debug Options on Toolbar Buttons
Button Icon Function(1) Build Project Program Device Execute Code(2)
Debug Build project code (with the debug executive) if the make process determines that a build is necessary For Hardware Debuggers: Program target device automatically with the build image (with the debug executive)

For Simulator: N/A

Launch debug tool and execute code (debug features are enabled)
Discrete Debug

Build for Debugging

Build project code (with the debug executive) if the make process determines that a build is necessary N/A N/A
Discrete Debug

Program Device for Debugging

N/A Program target device with the build image (with the debug executive) N/A
Discrete Debug

Launch Debugger

N/A N/A Launch debug tool and execute code (debug features are enabled)
  1. In the button drop-down menu, you will see the function followed by either Project (Project Name) for a selected project or Main Project for a project set as main.
  2. If you do not want your code to execute after build and program, see 5.13.2 Hold in Reset and Release from Reset.