5.6.1 Execution

main.c - Initialize the device and set the server information. It then connects to the OTA download server.

  1. Set your OTA download server.
  2. Upload the OTA firmware binary to the root folder in your server. (ATWINC15x0: e.g., ATWINC3400: e.g.
  3. Code summary:
    • Configure the network and OTA parameters in main.h. The default port number is 80. If the user application uses a different port number, update it in the URL. "".
      #define MAIN_WLAN_SSID        "DEMO_AP"
      #define MAIN_WLAN_AUTH        M2M_WIFI_SEC_WPA_PSK
      #define MAIN_WLAN_PSK         "12345678"
      #define MAIN_OTA_URL          ""
    • Connect to the AP.
      /* Connect to router. */
      m2m_wifi_connect((char *)MAIN_WLAN_SSID, sizeof(MAIN_WLAN_SSID),
              MAIN_WLAN_AUTH, (char *)MAIN_WLAN_PSK, M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
    • Initialize the OTA function.
      m2m_ota_init(OtaUpdateCb, OtaNotifCb);
    • After the device is connected to the AP, the m2m_ota_start_update() function will be executed in the wifi_cb() function.
      static void wifi_cb(uint8_t u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
          case M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF:
              m2m_ota_start_update((uint8_t *)MAIN_OTA_URL);
    • If successfully downloaded, the m2m_ota_switch_firmware() function will be called through OtaUpdateCb().
      static void OtaUpdateCb(uint8_t u8OtaUpdateStatusType, uint8_t u8OtaUpdateStatus)
      After that and if no errors occur, a message will display: “OTA success. Press reset your board.”
  4. Build the program and download it into the board.
  5. Start the application.

    When you receive the IP address, then the OTA update will start.

  6. You can find the firmware version and the build time information.
    (3)NMI M2M SW  VERSION xx.xx.xx
    (3)NMI MIN DRV VERSION xx.xx.xx
    (3)Built at xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx
  7. Once connected to the OTA server, the following text will appear on the terminal window:
    (770)(M2M)(OTA) Invalidate RB Image
    Start Writing.. at 40000 Size 204380
    (809)STATS    0   0   5  25   0, err: 16 - stuck: 0
    (809)!@#$ Rate DN (48.0 Mbps) !@#$
    (910)!@#$ Rate DN (MCS-4) !@#$
    (1079)(M2M)Verification OK 204380
    (1080)(M2M)(OTA) Update image done successfully
    (1080)(M2M)Socket 6 Closed
    (1083)(M2M)(OTA) Swap image done successfully
    (1084)(M2M)(OTA) Switching firmware done.
  8. After the successful OTA firmware upgrade, the following text will appear on the terminal window:
    Wi-Fi IP is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    OtaUpdateCb 1 0
    OtaUpdateCb m2m_ota_switch_firmware start.
    OtaUpdateCb 2 0
    OTA Success. Press reset your board.
  9. The application reads data from the serial interface.
    (1)Chip ID = 1502b1
    (1)Flash ID = c21320c2, Size = 4 MBit
    (1)Working Image offset = 0x3000 Rollback =  0x40000
    (2)(M2M)(Efuse) successfully loaded from bank 1.
    (2)(M2M)MAC_ADDR  = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    (3)NMI M2M SW  VERSION xx.xx.xx
    (3)NMI MIN DRV VERSION xx.xx.xx
    (3)Built at xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx
The OTA download procedure for WINC15x0 is:
  1. Download the ATWINC15x0 driver version 19.4.4 OTA application from ASF.
  2. Use any HTTP server or hfs.exe from http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/
  3. Run the hfs.exe
  4. Add the OTA firmware from the “\src\Tools\firmware\ota_firmware\m2m_ota_3a0.bin” 19.5.3 release package to the root folder in the hfs.exe tool.
  5. Change the MAIN_OTA_URL "" to the IP address in the hfs tool. The IP address is the HTTP server IP address and the user can use their own port number or port number 80.
  6. Program the MCU with the OTA application available in the ASF (19.4.4) after compiling these changes.
  7. Run the application and wait for it to complete.
The OTA download procedure for ATWINC3400 is:
  1. Download the ATWINC3400 driver version 1.0.8 OTA application from ASF.
  2. Use any HTTP server or hfs.exe from http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/
  3. Run the hfs.exe
  4. Add the OTA firmware from the “\src\firmware\m2m_ota_3400.bin” 1.2.2 release package to the root folder in the hfs.exe tool.
  5. Change the MAIN_OTA_URL "" to the IP address in the hfs tool. The IP address is the HTTP server IP address and the user can use their own port number or port number 80.
  6. Program the MCU with the OTA application available in the ASF (1.2.1) after compiling these changes.
  7. Run the application and wait for it to complete.