5.2.1 Execution

main.c - Initialize Growl and send a notification message.

  1. Code summary:
    • Configure the Growl parameters for your account in main.h.
      /** Growl Options */
      #define PROWL_API_KEY            "6ce3b9ff6c29e5c5b8960b28d9e987aec5ed603a"
      #define NMA_API_KEY              "91787604ed50a6cfc2d3f83d1ee196cbc30a3cb08a7e69a0"
    • Get the MAC address and set the device name with the MAC address.
      set_dev_name_to_mac((uint8_t *)gacDeviceName, gau8MacAddr);
      set_dev_name_to_mac((uint8_t *)gstrM2MAPConfig.au8SSID, gau8MacAddr);
      m2m_wifi_set_device_name((uint8_t *)gacDeviceName, ...);
    • Start Provision mode.
      m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode((tstrM2MAPConfig *)&gstrM2MAPConfig,
                  (char *)gacHttpProvDomainName, 1);
    • When your mobile device sends the configuration information, the wifi_cb() function will be called with the M2M_WIFI_RESP_PROVISION_INFO message and you can connect to the AP with the given information.
      static void wifi_cb(uint8_t u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
      	tstrM2MProvisionInfo *pstrProvInfo = (tstrM2MProvisionInfo *)pvMsg;
          if (pstrProvInfo->u8Status == M2M_SUCCESS) {
      	m2m_wifi_connect((char *)pstrProvInfo->au8SSID,
              strlen((char *)pstrProvInfo->au8SSID),
              pstrProvInfo->au8Password, M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
    • After the device is connected to the AP, initialize the Growl key and execute the message handler.
      static void wifi_cb(uint8_t u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
          case M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF:
      	NMI_GrowlInit((uint8_t *)PROWL_API_KEY, (uint8_t *)NMA_API_KEY);
    • The notification message will be sent through the function shown below.
      static int growl_send_message_handler(void)
          NMI_GrowlSendNotification(NMA_CLIENT, (uint8_t *)"Growl_Sample", 
              (uint8_t *)"Growl_Event", (uint8_t *)"growl_test", NMA_CONNECTION_TYPE); 
          return 0;
  2. Build the program and download it into the board.
  3. Start the application.
  4. Connect your mobile device to ATWINC15x0/ATWINC3400 AP [WINC1500_08:CA].
  5. Browse to the webpage (www.microchip.com) to setup AP, populate the page, then press Connect.
  6. The ATWINC15x0/ATWINC3400 will be connected to the AP that you entered.
  7. The Growl message will be sent.

This example supports sending growl notifications to the following servers:

In order to enable the Growl application (for sending notifications), you need to set your own API key to represent your account. Create your own by:

Create an NMD account at www.notifymydevice.com/ and create an API key. Copy the obtained key string to the NMA_API_KEY macro in the main.h as follows:
  • #define NMA_API_KEY "f8bd3e7c9c5c10183751ab010e57d8f73494b32da73292f6"
Create a Prowl account at https://www.prowlapp.com/ and create an API key. Copy the obtained API key string to the PROWL_API_KEY macro in the file main.h as follows:
  • #define PROWL_API_KEY "117911f8a4f2935b2d84abc934be9ff77d883678"
Note: For using Growl, the root certificate must be installed.
Figure 5-7. Launch the Growl or NMA application to receive notification