Read Address Channel

The AXI read address channel has the following features:

  • The read transaction can be of any length up to 256 for incremental bursts, 16 for wrapping bursts.
  • The burst types supported are incremental and wrapping.
  • The burst start address can be unaligned to the AXI data width boundaries.
  • The size of the burst can be less than the full width of the AXI data bus (also known as subsized transfers).

The signals on the read address channel are registered into the XPI in accordance with the AXI valid/read handshaking protocol and are synchronous with the AXI clock (aclk).

Read requests are accepted if the request can be written into the Read Address Queue (RAQ). This is used to store all the read address requests. There is a single address queue on a given port.

Each AXI port can store in its RAQ up to:
  • Port 0: 8 addresses
  • Port 1: 2 addresses
  • Port 2: 16 addresses
  • Port 3: 2 addresses
  • Port 4: 16 addresses