27.6.15 SmartEEPROM Status

Offset: 0x2C
Reset: 0x000X0X0X
Property: Read-Only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RRR 
Reset xxx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRR 
Reset xxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 0x00x 

Bits 18:16 – PSZ[2:0] SmartEEPROM Page Size

This bit field is automatically loaded from the user page during startup (refer to the Memories chapter).

Indicates the page size.

Bits 11:8 – SBLK[3:0] Blocks Number In a Sector

This bit field is automatically loaded from the user page during startup (refer to the Memories chapter).

Indicates the number of blocks allocated to a SEES.


SmartEEPROM Write Access to Register Address Space Is Locked

Bit 3 – LOCK SmartEEPROM Section Locked

This bit field is automatically loaded from the user page during startup.

Access to the SmartEEPROM data is locked. Writes to AHB2 throws hardfault exceptions.

0: SmartEEPROM access is not locked

1: SmartEEPROM access is locked

Bit 2 – BUSY Busy

0: SmartEEPROM is ready.

1: SmartEEPROM is busy processing a read or a write operation.

Bit 1 – Reserved

Bit 0 – ASEES Active SmartEEPROM Sector

This bit field is automatically loaded during startup from a special fuse in the NVM.

Indicates the active SEES

0: SEES0 is active

1: SEES1 is active