27.6.1 Control A

Offset: 0x0
Reset: 0x0004
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000001 

Bit 15 – CACHEDIS1 AHB1 Cache Disable

AHB1 interface cache disable.

0: cache line is enabled

1: cache line is disabled

Cache lines are automatically invalidated when a write or erase operation is started in the NVM.

Bit 14 – CACHEDIS0 AHB0 Cache Disable

AHB0 interface cache disable.

0: cache line is enabled

1: cache line is disabled

Cache lines are automatically invalidated when a write or erase operation is started in the NVM.

Bit 13 – AHBNS1 Force AHB1 access to Non-Sequential

This bit forces AHB1 communication to be non-sequential.
0 AHB sequential accesses remain sequential.
1 AHB sequential accesses are forced to non-sequential, therefore forcing rearbitration for each access.

Bit 12 – AHBNS0 Force AHB0 access to Non-Sequential

This bit forces AHB0 communication to be non-sequential.
0 AHB sequential accesses remain sequential.
1 AHB sequential accesses are forced to non-sequential, therefore forcing rearbitration for each access.

Bits 11:8 – RWS[3:0] NVM Read Wait States

These bits give the number of wait states for a read operation when AUTOWS=0. Zero indicates zero wait states, one indicates one wait state, etc., up to 15 wait states.

This register is initialized to 0 wait states. Software can change this value based on the NVM access time and system frequency.

Bits 7:6 – PRM[1:0] Power Reduction Mode during Sleep

Indicates the power reduction mode during sleep.
0x0 SEMIAUTO NVM block enters low-power mode when entering standby mode. NVM block enters low-power mode when SPRM command is issued. NVM block exits low-power mode upon first access.
0x1 FULLAUTO NVM block enters low-power mode when entering standby mode. NVM block enters low-power mode when SPRM command is issued. NVM block exits low-power mode when system is not in standby mode.
0x2 Reserved
0x3 MANUAL NVM block does not enter low-power mode when entering standby mode. NVM block enters low-power mode when SPRM command is issued. NVM block exits low-power mode upon first access.

Bits 5:4 – WMODE[1:0] Write Mode

Write commands can be generated automatically when crossing address boundaries while writing to the NVM. Boundaries depend on the settings below.
0x0 MAN Manual Write
0x1 ADW Automatic Double Word Write
0x2 AQW Automatic Quad Word
0x3 AP Automatic Page Write

Bit 3 – SUSPEN Suspend Enable

0: The write and erase suspend resume feature is disabled.

1: A write or erase operation can be suspended in case of a read in the same bank.

Bit 2 – AUTOWS Auto Wait State Enable

0: Automatic wait state generation is disabled. The number of wait states used is given by CTRLA.RWS bits.

1: Automatic wait state generation is enabled. The number of wait states used is automatically detected therefore the module can operate at any frequency up to the device maximum frequency. A minimum of one cycle latency is induced.