38.8.46 Tx Event FIFO Status

Offset: 0xF4
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access RR 
Reset 00 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRRR 
Reset 00000 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRRRRR 
Reset 000000 

Bit 25 – TEFL Tx Event FIFO Element Lost

This bit is a copy of interrupt flag IR.TEFL. When IR.TEFL is reset, this bit is also reset.

0 No Tx Event FIFO element lost.
1 Tx Event FIFO element lost, also set after write attempt to Tx Event FIFO of size zero.

Bit 24 – EFF Event FIFO Full

0 Tx Event FIFO not full.
1 Tx Event FIFO full.

Bits 20:16 – EFPI[4:0] Event FIFO Put Index

Tx Event FIFO write index pointer, range 0 to 31.

Bits 12:8 – EFGI[4:0] Event FIFO Get Index

Tx Event FIFO read index pointer, range 0 to 31.

Bits 5:0 – EFFL[5:0] Event FIFO Fill Level

Number of elements stored in Tx Event FIFO, range 0 to 32.