18.7.13 PLL0 Control

Table 18-16. Register Bit Attribute Legend
Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description
R Readable bit HC Cleared by Hardware (Grey cell) Unimplemented
W Writable bit HS Set by Hardware X Bit is unknown at Reset
K Write to clear S Software settable bit
Offset: 0x40
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 13:11 – BWSEL[2:0] Bandwidth Selection

These bits select the PLL closed loop filter bandwidth, depending on the frequency after the reference divider FPFD as shown in the table below. Selecting the correct filter bandwidth is important to operate the PLL'VCO in its best range.

Table 18-17. PLL0 BWSEL Filter
Reserved 0b000
4MHz ≤ FPFD < 10MHz 0b001
10MHz ≤ FPFD < 20MHz 0b010
20MHz ≤ FPFD < 30MHz 0b011
30MHz ≤ FPFD < 60MHz 0b100
Reserved 0b101 – 0b111
  1. FPFD is the frequency of the reference clock divided by the PLL0 reference divider PLLREFDIV.REFDIV. These bits are PLLCTRL0.ENABLE protected and cannot be updated if PLLCTRL0.ENABLE =1.
  2. At elevated temperatures, the effective range of the Bandwidth setting will skew higher. Depending on the input frequency and operating temperature, it may be optimal to change the BWSEL setting to the next higher value.

Bits 10:8 – REFSEL[2:0] Reference Selection

These bits select the PLL0 clock reference, as shown in the table below.

REFSEL[2:0] Selectedsource Description
0x0 (2,3) GCLK DedicatedGCLK_PLL0_REF clock reference
0x1 XOSC XOSC clock reference
0x2 DFLL48M DFLL48Mclock reference
0x3- 0x7 n/a Reserved
Important: If GCLK source is PLL0, then users should not use GCLK_PLL0_REF as input clock source to PLL0. It will create a circular reference, an unstable clock, and unexpected behavior.
  1. These bits are PLLCTRL0.ENABLE protected and cannot be updated if PLLCTRL0.ENABLE = 1.
  2. The recommended clock sources for PLL0 are XOSC and DFLL48M. Using the GLCK as a source is not recommended.

Bit 7 – ONDEMAND On Demand Control

The ONDEMAND operation mode allows the PLL to be enabled or disabled depending on peripheral clock requests.

Note: If ONDEMAND is set, the PLL will only be running when requested by a peripheral and enabled (PLLCTRL. ENABLE = 1). If there is no peripheral requesting the PLL’s clock source, the PLL will be in a disabled state. If ONDEMAND is disabled the PLL will always be running when enabled (PLLCTRL.ENABLE = 1). In Standby Sleep mode, the ONDEMAND operation is still active.

This bit is PLLCTRL0.ENABLE protected and cannot be updated if PLLCTRL0.ENABLE =1.

0 The PLL0 is always on.
1 The PLL0 is running when a peripheral is requesting the PLL to be used as a clock source. The PLL is not running if no peripheral is requesting the PLL clock source.

Bit 2 – WRTLOCK Write Lock

Note: Once the WRTLOCK bit is set, it can only be cleared by a reset.
0 The PLLCTRL, PLLFBDIV, PLLREFDIV and PLLPOSTDIVA/B registers can be modified by a system write.
1 The PLLCTRL, PLLFBDIV, PLLREFDIV and PLLPOSTDIVA/B registers are write protected, except for bits PLLPOSTDIVA.OUTENn.

Bit 1 – ENABLE PLL0 Enable

0 The PLL0 oscillator is disabled.
1 The PLL0 oscillator is enabled.