Function nvm_write_buffer()

Writes a number of bytes to a page in the NVM memory region.

enum status_code nvm_write_buffer( const uint32_t destination_address, const uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t length)

Writes from a buffer to a given page address in the NVM memory.

Table 10-9. Parameters
Data directionParameter nameDescription



Destination page address to write to



Pointer to buffer where the data to write is stored



Number of bytes in the page to write

Note: If writing to a page that has previously been written to, the page's row should be erased (via nvm_erase_row()) before attempting to write new data to the page.
Note: For SAM D21 RWW devices, see SAMD21_64K, command NVM_COMMAND_RWWEE_WRITE_PAGE must be executed before any other commands after writing a page, refer to errata 13588.
Note: If manual write mode is enabled, the write command must be executed after this function, otherwise the data will not write to NVM from page buffer.


Status of the attempt to write a page.

Table 10-10. Return Values
Return valueDescription


Requested NVM memory page was successfully read


NVM controller was busy when the operation was attempted


The requested address was outside the acceptable range of the NVM memory region or not aligned to the start of a page


The supplied write length was invalid