4.6.1 SPI Timing

The SPI timing is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4-1. SPI Timing Diagram (SPI MODE CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0)

The SPI client timing parameters are provided in the following table.

Table 4-6. SPI Client Timing Parameters(1)
Clock Input Frequency(2)fSCK48MHz
Clock Low Pulse WidthtWL4ns
Clock High Pulse WidthtWH5
Clock Rise TimetLH07
Clock Fall TimetHL07
TXD Output Delay(3)tODLY49 from SCK fall
RXD Input Setup TimetISU1
RXD Input Hold TimetIHD5
SSN Input Setup TimetSUSSN3
SSN Input Hold TimetHDSSN5.5
  1. Timing is applicable to all of the SPI modes.
  2. Maximum clock frequency specified is limited by the SPI client interface internal design; the actual maximum clock frequency can be lower and depends on the specific PCB layout.
  3. Timing is based on 15 pF output loading. Under all conditions, tLH + tWH + tHL + tWL must be less than or equal to 1/ fSCK.