4.6.2 SDIO Timing

The SDIO client interface timing is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4-2. SDIO Timing Diagram
SDIO client timing parameters are provided in the following table.
Table 4-7. SDIO Timing Parameters
Clock Input Frequency(1)fPP050MHz
Clock Low Pulse WidthtWL9ns
Clock High Pulse WidthtWH4.5
Clock Rise TimetLH05
Clock Fall TimetHL05
Input Setup TimetISU6
Input Hold TimetIH4
Output Delay(2)tODLY311
  1. Maximum clock frequency specified is limited by the SDIO client interface internal design; the actual maximum clock frequency can be lower and depends on the specific PCB layout.
  2. Timing is based on 15 pF output loading.