3.1.4 General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
The GPIO Interface provides general purpose input monitoring and output control, as well as managing many aspects of pin functionality; including, multi-function Pin Multiplexing Control, GPIO Direction control, PU/PD (PU_PD) resistors and synchronous Interrupt Detection (int_det), GPIO Direction, and Polarity control, as well as control of pin drive strength and slew rate.
Features of the GPIO Interface include:
Asynchronous rising and falling edge detection
Interrupt High or Low Level
On Output:
Push Pull or Open Drain output
Pull up or pull down resistor control
Interrupt capability available for all GPIOs
Programmable pin drive strength and slew rate limiting
Group or individual control of GPIO data.
Multiplexing of all multi-function pins are controlled by the GPIO interface
Library Interface
General Purpose I/O peripheral library provides the following interfaces:
Name | Description |
GPIO_Initialize | Initialize the GPIO library |
GPIO_PinDirConfig | Sets the direction of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputEnable | Enables the input mode of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputDisable | Disables the input mode of the given GPIO Pin |
GPIO_PinInputConfig | Enables or disables input on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputEnable | Enables the group output of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputDisable | Disables the group output of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinGroupOutputConfig | Either enables or disables control of the GPIO pin using the Group output register |
GPIO_PinSet | Sets the selected pin |
GPIO_PinClear | Clears the selected pin |
GPIO_PinToggle | Toggles the selected pin |
GPIO_PinRead | Read the selected pin value |
GPIO_GroupSet | Sets the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupClear | Clears the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupToggle | Toggles the value in the given Group output register |
GPIO_GroupRead | Returns the state of the pins in the given GPIO group |
GPIO_GroupPinSet | Sets the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinClear | Clears the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinToggle | Toggles the value of the given pin in the Group output register |
GPIO_GroupPinRead | Returns the value of the given pin by reading it from the Group GPIO input register |
vGPIO_PinMUXConfig | Configures the signal function on the given pin |
GPIO_PinPolarityConfig | Configures the polarity of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinOuputBufferTypeConfig | Configures the buffer type of the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinPullUpPullDownConfig | Configures the pull type on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinSlewRateConfig | Configures the slew rate on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinIntDetectConfig | Configures the event that generates interrupt on the GPIO pin |
GPIO_PinPwrGateConfig | Configures the power well to use for the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_DrvStrConfig | Configures the drive strength on the given GPIO pin |
GPIO_PropertySet | Configures various parameters of the given GPIO pin |
Data types and constants
Name | Type | Description |
GPIO_ALT_OUT | Enum | This enum is used to specify whether to enable alternate output for a GPIO pin |
GPIO_DIR | Enum | This enum is used to specify the GPIO pin direction |
GPIO_DRV | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin drive strength |
GPIO_FUNCTION | Enum | This enum is used to specify the GPIO pin function |
GPIO_GROUP | Enum | Identifies the available GPIO groups |
GPIO_INP_READ | Enum | This enum is used to enable or disable input for a pin |
GPIO_INTDET_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the interrupt detect event type |
GPIO_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin output buffer type |
GPIO_POLARITY | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin polarity |
GPIO_PROPERTY | Enum | This enum is used to specify the property of the pin to set |
GPIO_PULL_TYPE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the pin pull type |
GPIO_PWRGATE | Enum | This enum is used to specify the power well for the pin |
GPIO_SLEW_RATE | Enum | his enum is used to specify the pin slew rate type |
GPIO_PIN | Enum | Identifies the available GPIO pins |
GPIO_PIN_CALLBACK | Typedef | Pointer to a GPIO Pin-Event handler function |