36.20.1 NFC Configuration Register

Offset: 0x000
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 30:24 – NFCSPARESIZE[6:0] NAND Flash Spare Area Size Retrieved by the Host Controller

The spare size is set to (NFCSPARESIZE + 1) * 4 bytes. The spare area is only retrieved when RSPARE or WSPARE is activated.

Bits 22:20 – DTOMUL[2:0] Data Timeout Multiplier

These fields determine the maximum number of main system bus clock cycles that the SMC waits until the detection of a rising edge on Ready/Busy signal.

If the data timeout set by DTOCYC and DTOMUL has been exceeded, the Data Timeout Error flag (DTOE) in the NFC Status Register (NFC_SR) raises.

Data Timeout Multiplier is defined by DTOMUL as shown in the following table:

1 X16 DTOCYC x 16
2 X128 DTOCYC x 128
3 X256 DTOCYC x 256
4 X1024 DTOCYC x 1024
5 X4096 DTOCYC x 4096
6 X65536 DTOCYC x 65536
7 X1048576 DTOCYC x 1048576

Bits 19:16 – DTOCYC[3:0] Data Timeout Cycle Number

Bit 13 – RBEDGE Ready/Busy Signal Edge Detection

0 Indicates the level of the Ready/Busy line.
1 Indicates that a transition has occurred on the Ready/Busy line.

Bit 12 – EDGECTRL Rising/Falling Edge Detection Control

0 Rising edge is detected.
1 Falling edge is detected.

Bit 9 – RSPARE Read Spare Area

0 The NFC skips the spare area in Read mode.
1 The NFC reads both main area and spare area in Read mode.

Bit 8 – WSPARE Write Spare Area

0 The NFC skips the spare area in Write mode.
1 The NFC writes both main area and spare area in Write mode.

Bits 2:0 – PAGESIZE[2:0] Page Size of the NAND Flash Device

0 PS512 Main area 512 bytes
1 PS1024 Main area 1024 bytes
2 PS2048 Main area 2048 bytes
3 PS4096 Main area 4096 bytes
4 PS8192 Main area 8192 bytes