46.10.7 USART Mode Register (SPI_MODE)

This configuration is relevant only if USART_MODE = 0xE or 0xF in the USART Mode Register.

This register can only be written if the WPEN bit is cleared in the USART Write Protection Mode Register.

Offset: 0x204
Reset: 0xC0000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/W 
Bit 15141312111098 
 CHMODE[1:0]     CPHA 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000 

Bit 20 – WRDBT Wait Read Data Before Transfer

0 The character transmission starts as soon as a character is written into FLEX_US_THR (assuming TXRDY was set).
1 The character transmission starts when a character is written and only if RXRDY flag is cleared (Receive Holding Register has been read).

Bit 16 – CPOL SPI Clock Polarity

CPOL is used to determine the inactive state value of the serial clock (SPCK). It is used with CPHA to produce the required clock/data relationship between host and client devices.

Applicable if USART operates in SPI mode (client or host, USART_MODE = 0xE or 0xF):

0 The inactive state value of SPCK is logic level zero.
1 The inactive state value of SPCK is logic level one.

Bits 15:14 – CHMODE[1:0] Channel Mode

0 NORMAL Normal mode

Bit 8 – CPHA SPI Clock Phase

CPHA determines which edge of SPCK causes data to change and which edge causes data to be captured. CPHA is used with CPOL to produce the required clock/data relationship between host and client devices.

Applicable if USART operates in SPI mode (USART_MODE = 0xE or 0xF):

0 Data are changed on the leading edge of SPCK and captured on the following edge of SPCK.
1 Data are captured on the leading edge of SPCK and changed on the following edge of SPCK.

Bits 7:6 – CHRL[1:0] Character Length

3 8_BIT Character length is 8 bits

Bits 5:4 – USCLKS[1:0] Clock Selection

0 MCK Peripheral clock is selected
1 DIV Peripheral clock Divided (DIV= 8) is selected
2 GCLK A PMC generic clock is selected
3 SCK External pin SCK is selected

Bits 3:0 – USART_MODE[3:0] USART Mode of Operation

0xF SPI_SLAVE SPI client