
The SAM L11 Flash can be divided into six regions:
  • The first three regions are called Boot regions and can be configured to support a first-level bootloader for the application.
  • The other regions are called Application regions and relate to the application itself.

The total size of the Boot regions is defined by the BOOTPROT fuses from the NVM Boot Configuration Row (BOCOR), the Application regions total size being the remaining available size of the Flash.

Each of these Boot/Application global regions can be divided into three sub-regions:
  • The Secure sub-region
  • The Non-Secure Callable (NSC) sub-region
  • The Non-Secure (NS) sub-region
Each sub-region size can be configured using dedicated fuses from the NVM Boot Configuration Row (BOCOR):
  • BS fuse corresponds to the size of the Secure + NSC sub-regions of the BOOT region
  • BNSC fuse corresponds to the NSC sub-region size of the BOOT region
  • AS fuse corresponds to the size of the Secure + NSC sub-regions of the APPLICATION region
  • ANSC fuse corresponds to the NSC sub-region size of the APPLICATION region
Figure 13-2. SAM L11 Flash Memory Mapping