48.9.1 SERCOM in SPI Mode in PL0

Table 48-31. SPI Timing Characteristics and Requirements (1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
tSCK SCK period when tSOV=0 on the client side Host Reception 2*(tMIS+tCLIENT_OUT) (3) - - ns
Host Transmission 2*(tMOV+tCLIENT_IN) (4) - -
tSCKW SCK high/low width Host - 0,5*tSCK -
tSCKR SCK rise time(2) Host - 0,25*tSCK -
tSCKF SCK fall time(2) Host - 0,25*tSCK -
tMIS MISO setup to SCK Host, VDD>2.70V 86 - -
Host, VDD>1.8V 95 - -
tMIH MISO hold after SCK Host, VDD>2.70V 0 - -
Host, VDD>1.8V 0 - -
tMOV MOSI output valid after SCK Host, VDD>2.70V - - 33.3 ns
Host, VDD>1.8V - - 49.6
tMOH MOSI hold after SCK Host, VDD>2.70V 9.7 - -
tMOH MOSI hold after SCK Host, VDD>1.8V 9.7 - -
tSSCK Client SCK Period when tMIS=0 on the host side Client Reception 2*(tSIS+tHOST_OUT) (5) - -
Client Transmission 2*(tSOV+tHOST_IN) (6) - -
tSSCKW SCK high/low width Client - 0,5*tSCK -
tSSCKR SCK rise time(2) Client - 0,25*tSCK -
tSSCKF SCK fall time(2) Client - 0,25*tSCK -
tSIS MOSI setup to SCK Client, VDD>2.70V 24.2 - -
Client, VDD>1.8V 24.9 - -
tSIH MOSI hold after SCK Client, VDD>2.70V 12.9 - -
Client, VDD>1.8V 13.5 - -
tSSS SS setup to SCK Client PRELOADEN=1 tSOSS+tEXT_MIS+2*tAPBC (8) (9) - - ns
tSSH SS hold after SCK Client 0.5*tSSCK - -
tSOV MISO output valid after SCK Client, VDD>2.70V - - 66.9
Client, VDD>1.8V - - 76.6
tSOH MISO hold after SCK Client, VDD>2.70V 22.7 - -
Client, VDD>1.8V 20.3 - -
tSOSS MISO setup after SS low Client, VDD>2.70V - - 1* tSCK
Client, VDD>1.8V - - 1* tSCK
tSOSH MISO hold after SS high Client, VDD>2.70V 15 - -
Client, VDD>1.8V 15 - -
  1. These values are based on simulation. These values are not covered by test limits in production.
  2. See I/O Pin Characteristics.
  3. Where tCLIENT_OUT is the client external device output response time, generally tEXT_SOV+tLINE_DELAY (See Note 7).
  4. Where tCLIENT_IN is the client external device input constraint, generally tEXT_SIS+tLINE_DELAY (See Note 7).
  5. Where tHOST_OUT is the host external device output response time, generally tEXT_MOV+tLINE_DELAY (See Note 7).
  6. Where tHOST_IN is the host external device input constraint, generally tEXT_MIS+tLINE_DELAY (See Note 7).
  7. tLINE_DELAY is the transmission line time delay.
  8. tEXT_MIS is the input constraint for the host external device.
  9. tAPBC is the APB period for SERCOM.
Figure 48-2. SPI Timing Requirements in Host Mode
Figure 48-3. SPI Timing Requirements in Client Mode
Maximum SPI Frequency
  • Host mode:

    fSCKmax = 1/2*(tMIS + tCLIENT_OUT)

  • Client mode:

    fSCKmax = 1/2*(tSOV + tHOST_IN)