16.12.13 CoreSight ROM Table Entry 0

Name: ENTRY0
Offset: 0x1000
Reset: 0x9F0FC002 - x determined by Debug Access Level (DAL)
Property: PAC Write Protection

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RRRR 
Reset xxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Access RR 
Reset 1x 

Bits 31:12 – ADDOFF[19:0] Address Offset

The base address of the component, relative to the base address of this ROM table.

Bit 1 – FMT Format

Always reads as '1', indicating a 32-bit ROM table.

Bit 0 – EPRES Entry Present

This bit indicates whether an entry is present at this location in the ROM table.

This bit is set at power-up if the Debug Access Level is different from DAL0, indicating that the entry is present.

This bit is cleared at power-up if the Debug Access Level is DAL0, indicating that the entry is not present.