4.7.4 CONFIG4

Memory Write Protection

  1. Bits are implemented as sticky bits. Once protection is enabled, it can only be reset through a Bulk Erase.
Address: 0x800A

Configuration Word 4

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/PUR/PR/PR/PR/P 
Reset 111111 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 11111111 

Bit 13 – LVP Low-Voltage Programming Enable bit

The LVP bit cannot be written (to zero) while operating from the LVP programming interface. The purpose of this rule is to prevent the user from dropping out of LVP mode while programming from LVP mode, or accidentally eliminating LVP mode from the Configuration state. The preconditioned (erased) state for this bit is critical.

1 Low-voltage programming enabled. MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR. The MCLRE Configuration bit is ignored.
0 HV on MCLR/VPP must be used for programming

Bit 11 – WRTSAF  Storage Area Flash Write Protection bit(1)

1 SAF not write-protected
0 SAF write-protected

Bit 10 – WRTD  Data EEPROM Write Protection bit(1)

1 Data EEPROM not write-protected
0 Data EEPROM write-protected

Bit 9 – WRTC  Configuration Register Write Protection bit(1)

1 Configuration Registers not write-protected
0 Configuration Registers write-protected

Bit 8 – WRTB  Boot Block Write Protection bit(1)

1 Boot Block not write-protected
0 Boot Block write-protected

Bit 7 – WRTAPP  Application Block Write Protection bit(1)

1 Application Block not write-protected
0 Application Block write-protected

Bit 4 – SAFEN  SAF Enable bit(1)

1 SAF disabled
0 SAF enabled

Bit 3 – BBEN  Boot Block Enable bit(1)

1 Boot Block disabled
0 Boot Block enabled

Bits 2:0 – BBSIZE[2:0]  Boot Block Size Selection bits

BBSIZE is used only when BBEN = 0.

BBSIZE can only be written while BBEN = 1; after BBEN = 0, BBSIZ is write-protected.

Table 4-1. Boot Block Size Bits
BBEN BBSIZE Actual Boot Block Size User Program Memory Size (words) Last Boot Block Memory Access
PIC16(L)F18455 PIC16(L)F18456
1 xxx 0 0
0 111 512 512 01FFh
0 110 1024 1024 03FFh
0 101 2048 2048 07FFh
0 100 4096 4096 0FFFh
0 011-000 8192 1FFFh
Note: The maximum boot block size is half the user program memory size. All selections higher than the maximum are set to half size. For example, all BBSIZE = 000 - 100 produce a boot block size of 4 kW on a 8 kW device.
Bits are implemented as sticky bits. Once protection is enabled, it can only be reset through a Bulk Erase.