8.6.2 OSCCON2

Oscillator Control Register 2
  1. The POR value is the value present when user code execution begins.
  2. The Reset value (n) is the same as the OSCCON1[NOSC/NDIV] bits.
  3. EXTOSC configured by the CONFIG1[FEXTOSC] bits.
  4. HFINTOSC frequency is configured with the FRQ bits of the OSCFRQ register.
Address: 0x88E

Bit 76543210 
Reset nnnnnnn 

Bits 6:4 – COSC[2:0]  Current Oscillator Source Select bits (read-only)(1,2)

Indicates the current source oscillator and PLL combination, as shown in the following table.

Table 8-4. COSC Bit Settings
COSC/NOSCClock Source
111 EXTOSC(3)
100 SOSC
011 Reserved
010 EXTOSC + 4x PLL(3)
001 HFINTOSC + 2x PLL(4)
000 Reserved

Bits 3:0 – CDIV[3:0]  Current Divider Select bits (read-only)(1,2)

Indicates the current postscaler division ratio, as shown in the following table.

Table 8-3. CDIV Bit Settings
CDIV/NDIV Clock Divider
1111-1010 Reserved
1001 512
1000 256
0111 128
0110 64
0101 32
0100 16
0011 8
0010 4
0001 2
0000 1
The POR value is the value present when user code execution begins.The Reset value (n) is the same as the OSCCON1[NOSC/NDIV] bits.EXTOSC configured by the CONFIG1[FEXTOSC] bits. HFINTOSC frequency is configured with the FRQ bits of the OSCFRQ register.