ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf Function


void ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf(ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t * nwkParams);


Indicates network parameters update.

The function shall be implemented by the application. It is called by the stack to signal certain network-related updates. The argument's fields contain indication of the event which caused the update (see possible values of ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t-status field) as well as additional information concerned with the update. Example cases when the function is called include changing of network parameters, resolving address/PANID conflict, rejoining the network, attaching new child and child loss.

Child loss notification is issued only in the case of the end device child. A router is not considered a child after its parent receives the first Link status frame from the router. From that moment no notification is issued on the router's parent in case the router leaves the network. But if the parent has not yet received any Link status frames from its router child and the router leaves, the notification is raised on the parent as usual.

Notification statuses: Accessed via the ZDO_MgmtNwkUpdateNotf_t-status field - for detailed info on possible status codes see \ref network_notf.


nwkParamsDescribes the reason of network update and new parameters' values.

