ZDO_StartSyncReq Function


ZDO_Status_t ZDO_StartSyncReq(void);


Starts sending sync requests (polling the parent)

The function turns on auto polling mechanism if it was turned off by ZDO_StopSyncReq() before. The stack starts sending polling requests to the parent automatically. So if the parent node receives some data frames for the node when the node is sleeping, the node will automatically request for those data frames stored by its parent when it wakes up.

The function should be used only on end devices which are able to sleep and with

-CS_RX_ON_WHEN_IDLE set to false. The latter implies that radio is being switched on only

for a certain period of time when the stack sends data and waits for a reply.




ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) - operation completed successfully

ZDO_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0x80) - sync requests are already started