ZDO_ResolveAddrReq Function


void ZDO_ResolveAddrReq(ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t *req);


Determines the missing short address corresponding to the given extended address or the missing extended address corresponding to the given short address

The function sends a ZDP request: either an IEEE address ZDP request if the extended address should be determined, or a short address ZDP request if the short address should be determined. The callback function reports the result of ZDP request execution. If the request has completed successfully, the requested addressing info is provided in the argument.

The function is called by the stack in several cases when one element in a pair of short and extended addresses of the same device is unknown. These cases include sending a data request when soome information about destination is lacking:

-APS_EXT_ADDRESS or -APS_NO_ADDRESS (send to bound devices) addressing modes are used,

but the short address is not known; short address addressing is used, and link key security is used, but the extended address to find out the link key is not known. The stack also checks if the extended address is known when it receives an encrypted frame.

Response statuses: Accessed via the ZDO_ResolveAddrConf_t-status field of the ZDO_ResolveAddrReq_t-ZDO_ResolveAddrConf callback's argument

-ZDO_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) - the requested short or extended address has been

successfully determined

-ZDO_INVALID_REQUEST_STATUS (0x80) - the address resolving module is disabled \n

Any of error codes reported by the ZDO_ZdpReq() function


reqrequest structure to pass attribute id

