37.7.23 CVD Scan Descriptor 3 Control 1

Name: CVDSD3C1
Offset: 0x130
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: -

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bits 31:8 – SD3TH[23:0] Scan Descriptor Threshold

The controller subtracts the accumulators after all oversampling is complete. The controller compares the result of subtraction to this threshold to determine if the threshold exceeded asserts internally, which is used to generate an interrupt and/or store data to the FIFO, depending on the settings of other control bits.

Bits 6:0 – SD3OVRSAMP[6:0] Scan Descriptor Over Sampling

Determines the amount of oversampling done on each measurement
0 Accumulates one measurement
1 Accumulates two measurements
127 Accumulates 128 measurements