21.14.10 sb_configure_peripheral


This Tcl command is used to configure the MSS peripherals in various subsystems of the Peripherals page of the System Builder component.

sb_configure_peripheral \
-component_name {component_name} \
[-peripheral_name {peripheral_name}]
[-params {param_list}]


Parameter Type Description
-component_name {component_name} string Mandatory. Name of the system builder component.
-peripheral_name {peripheral_name} string Mandatory. Name of the MSS peripheral instance to be enabled.
-params {param_list} string Mandatory. List of the configuration parameters for the selected MSS peripheral.


sb_configure_peripheral -component_name {sb} -peripheral_name {MM_UART_0} -params {"MODE:MODE_ASYNC" "MODE_DUPLEX:MODE_FULL" "MODEM_MUX:MUX_IO" "TX_RX_MUX:MUX_IO" "USE_MODEM:false" }