C++ Library for Custom AXI Master Interface

SmartHLS provides a C++ library for implementing the AXI4 master interfaces. The library defines the AXI4 master interface in C++ and provides several API functions for typical operations. For advanced users hoping to have more fine-grained custom control, or additional AXI4 interface signals that are not included in the library, the library can serve as a reference implementation for customization (create your own AXI4 master library based on SmartHLS's axi_interface.hpp header file).

To create an AXI4 master interface using SmartHLS's library, include the header file:

#include <hls/axi_interface.hpp>

To add an AXI4 master interface, you will need to:

  1. Create an instance of the AxiInterface class and specify the address width, data width and wstrb width through template parameters.
  2. Pass the created instance by reference to the top-level function. E.g., void MyTop(AxiInterface</* ADDR: */ ap_uint<32>, /* DATA: */ ap_uint<64>, /* WSTRB: */ ap_uint<8>> &master);
  3. Use the utility functions (APIs) defined in the header to control the AXI master interface.

The following are the API functions to access the AXI master interface.

Send a read request starting from 'byte_addr' for 'burst_len' number of transfers.
- 'burst_len' can not be greater than 256 (max: 256) according to AXI4 specification.
- 'burst_type' is optional. The default value is 1 (incremental).
- 'transfer_size' is optional. The default value is automatically set to the full size matching T_DATA.
  - The byte size per transfer equals to 2 to the power of transfer_size.
  - e.g., if T_DATA is of an ap_uint<64> or uint64 type, the default transfer_size is 3.
template <class T_ADDR, class T_DATA, class T_WSTRB>
void axi_m_read_req(AxiInterface<T_ADDR, T_DATA, T_WSTRB> &m,
                    T_ADDR byte_addr, ap_uint<9> burst_len,
                    ap_uint<2> burst_type = 1,
                    ap_uint<3> transfer_size = <SIZE_MATCHING_T_DATA>);

Receive the read data (return value) for one read transfer.
- The function should be called after a read request is sent by 'axi_m_read_req'.
- For a read request with 'burst_len' number of transfers, this function
  should be called for 'burst_len' number of times to receive all read data.
template <class T_ADDR, class T_DATA, class T_WSTRB>
T_DATA axi_m_read_data(AxiInterface<T_ADDR, T_DATA, T_WSTRB> &m);

Send a write request starting from 'byte_addr' for 'burst_len' number of transfers.
- 'burst_len' can not be greater than 256 (max: 256) according to AXI4 specification.
- 'burst_type' is optional. The default value is 1 (incremental).
- 'transfer_size' is optional. The default value is automatically set to the full size matching T_DATA.
  - The byte size per transfer equals to 2 to the power of transfer_size.
  - e.g., if T_DATA is of an ap_uint<64> or uint64 type, the default transfer_size is 3.
template <class T_ADDR, class T_DATA, class T_WSTRB>
void axi_m_write_req(AxiInterface<T_ADDR, T_DATA, T_WSTRB> &m,
                     T_ADDR byte_addr, ap_uint<9> burst_len,
                     ap_uint<2> burst_type = 1,
                     ap_uint<3> transfer_size = <SIZE_MATCHING_T_DATA>);

Send the write data 'val' for one write transfer.
- The function should be called after a write request is sent by 'axi_m_write_req'.
- For a write request with 'burst_len' number of transfers, this function
  should be called for 'burst_len' number of times to send all write data.
  - 'strb' acts as the byte-enable with each bit corresponds to a byte of the data.
  - 'last' should be set to 1 if and only if the current function call
    corresponds to the last transfer of the current write request.
template <class T_ADDR, class T_DATA, class T_WSTRB>
void axi_m_write_data(AxiInterface<T_ADDR, T_DATA, T_WSTRB> &m,
                      T_DATA val, T_WSTRB strb, bool last);

Receive the response acknowledgement for the last write request from the slave.
- The function should be called after all write data are sent by 'axi_m_write_data'.
- A return value of 0 means 'OK'; otherwise indicates an error.
template <class T_ADDR, class T_DATA, class T_WSTRB>
ap_uint<2> axi_m_write_resp(AxiInterface<T_ADDR, T_DATA, T_WSTRB> &m);

The read and write operations are independent and therefore can be executed in parallel at the same time.

Same as the AXI4 slave interface, this AXI4 master interface library only supports the AXI4-lite protocol with additional support for bursting.

Simulation of HLS Hardware (SW/HW Co-Simulation) is supported for AXI master, but requires modeling the AXI slave's responses to the AXI master in software before the kernel is called. An example of an AXI4 master interface tested with CoSim is shown below.
#include <hls/axi_interface.hpp>
#include <hls/ap_int.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace hls;

void simple_master(AxiInterface<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>, ap_uint<8>> &master) {
#pragma HLS function top
    ap_uint<9> remaining = AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN;
    ap_uint<32> r_addr = 0;
    ap_uint<32> w_addr = AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN * 8;

#pragma HLS loop pipeline
    for (; remaining != 0; --remaining) {
        bool is_last = remaining == 1;

        if (remaining == AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN) {
            // Request to read data in burst.
            axi_m_read_req<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>, ap_uint<8>>(
                master, r_addr, AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN);

            // Request to write data in burst.
            axi_m_write_req<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>, ap_uint<8>>(
                master, w_addr, AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN);

        // Write back the data we read + 1.
        ap_uint<64> data = axi_m_read_data<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>>(master);
        axi_m_write_data<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>, ap_uint<8>>(master, data + 1,
                                                               0xFF, is_last);
    // After the last write, read the response code.
    ap_uint<2> bresp = axi_m_write_resp(master);

int main() {
    AxiInterface<ap_uint<32>, ap_uint<64>, ap_uint<8>> axi_if(

    // Prepare the data to be read by the AXI master.
    for (int i = 0; i < AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN; i++) {
        RdDataSignals<ap_uint<64>> r_sig;
        r_sig.data = i;
        r_sig.resp = 0;
        r_sig.last = i == AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN - 1;

    // Prepare the write response for the write from AXI master.
    WrRespSignals b_sig;

    // Run the top-level function that will be synthesize to hardware.

    bool failed = false;

    // Clear the write and read request.
    ap_uint<32> r_addr = axi_if.ar.read().addr;
    ap_uint<32> w_addr = axi_if.aw.read().addr;

    // Check that the read and write addresses were as expected.
    failed |= r_addr != 0;
    failed |= w_addr != AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN * 8;

    // Read all of write data.
    for (int i = 0; i < AXIM_MAX_BURST_LEN; ++i) {
        // Check that write data is i + 1.
        failed |= axi_if.w.read().data != i + 1;

    // Now that all FIFOs have been cleared, the AXI interface could be prepared
    // for more calls to the kernel..

    if (!failed)

    return failed;