Printing Arbitrary Precision integers

The C++ Arbitrary Precision Integer Library provides some utilities for printing ap_[u]int types. The to_string(base, signedness) function takes an optional base argument (one of 2, 10, and 16) which defaults to 16, as well as an optional signedness argument which determines if the data should be printed as signed or unsigned, which defaults to false. The output stream operator << is also overloaded to put arbitrary precision integer types in the output stream as if they were called with the default to_string arguments.

Some example code using these utilities is shown below.

#include "hls/ap_int.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace hls;
    ap_uint<8> ap_u = 21;
    ap_int<8> ap = -22;

    // prints: 0x15
    std::cout << "ap_u = 0x" << ap_u << std::endl;

    // prints: -22
    std::cout << "ap.to_string(10,true) = " << ap.to_string(10, true)
              << std::endl;

    // prints: 234
    std::cout << "ap.to_string(10) = " << ap.to_string(10) << std::endl;

    // prints 00010101
    printf("ap_u.to_string(2) = %s\n", ap_u.to_string(2).c_str());