67.7.4 Main RC Oscillator

Table 67-36. Main RC Oscillator Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VDDIN33 Supply voltage range (VDDIN33)(1) 3.0 3.60 V
IDDIN33 Current consumption (VDDIN33)(2) 200 µA
tSTART Start-up time(2) 15 µs
f0 Nominal output frequency 12 MHz
fACC Output frequency accuracy

fo = 12MHz

0°C ≤ TJ ≤ +50°C ±2 %
-40°C ≤ TJ ≤ +125°C ±5 %
df0/dV Output frequency drift with VDDIN33(2) VDDIN33: 3.0V to 3.6V 0.01 %/V
duty Output duty cycle 45 55 %
  1. This oscillator is powered by the 2.5V regulated output of the VDDOUT25 regulator, which is supplied from VDDIN33.
  2. Simulation data